VMWare Open Virtualization Format Tool

Command line utility that supports import and export of OVF packages.


Download VMWare Open Virtualization Format Tool here:


You can download this tool for Windows (64-Bit or 32-Bit), Linux (64-Bit or 32-Bit) and Mac OSX.


chmod +x VMware-ovftool-2.0.1-260188-lin.x86_64.sh

Convert OVF to VMX

/opt/vmware/ovftool/ovftool /path/to/vm.ovf /path/to/vm.vmx

Convert VMX to OVF

/opt/vmware/ovftool/ovftool /path/to/vm.vmx /path/to/vm.ovf

More inforamtions and examples

See more examples in the documentation:

OVF Tool Userguide

This Post Has One Comment

  1. it works with out issues… 😀

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