How to install OpenOffice 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

I have blogged the installation of OpenOffice 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.10 a few months ago.

OpenOffice 3.1 or a newer version are not in the Ubuntu 9.04 repository. You will get it with Ubuntu 9.10.

You can install Version 3.1 in the same way you installed 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.10.

Add the following source to your software sources as Third-Party-Software sources:
System > Administration > Software Sources, Third Party Software tab, click „Add

deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main

Note: Or you add it to „/etc/apt/sources.list“ by hand.

Now you have to add the key for the new software repository:

sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 60D11217247D1CFF

On the launchpad page you can get a detailed description about keys and how to add them to your system.

Now you can upgrade to OpenOffice 3.1:

aptitude update
aptitude upgrade

Note: You will get the new OpenOffice version over the default update manager, too.

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